Top 5 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster!

Nov 23, 2017

Top 5 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster!

Have you ever been in a situation where you absolutely needed your hair to grow longer in a span of one or two months? This might seem like a far-fetched idea to some women but it’s not entirely impossible. If you have a big event coming up, say like your own wedding, and you need your hair long quickly, just follow these tips to get healthy locks of long lustrous hair in no time!

Tweak Your Diet

Your food can have a direct effect on how quickly your hair will grow. Eating foods rich in protein will help boost the keratin in your hair. Other hair-friendly foods include those that are filled with minerals like zinc and iron, vitamins like Vitamin D and E, and essential fatty acids. Examples of hair-friendly foods are fruits, green vegetables, fish, meat, walnuts, pulses and beans.

Hair Massage

Massaging your hair with coconut or olive oil promotes blood circulation in your scalp. This helps in the root and shaft to grow more speedily than they normally would.

Hair Treatments

Book an appointment at Purity Hair Design to get a nourishing, hair strengthening treatment for fast growth of your hair. We are a full-service
Albany hair salon specializing in Aveda products.  Getting regular hair treatments will make your hair growth faster and healthier. They also add a shine to the hair that many women long for.

Regular Trims

Just because you need your hair to grow fast doesn’t mean you can’t visit your haircutter once every two months. Trimming your hair can prevent split-ends from forming. Split-ends hamper normal hair growth and if you want your hair to grow fast, you should take measures to get rid of split-ends as well.

Flip the hair upside-down

This unorthodox method of growing your hair fast might seem too silly for some but it actually works! The science behind is that flipping the hair upside down stimulate the hair follicles and improves circulation in a similar way massaging does.

Cut the Stress out

Stress can affect the normal growth of your hair. If you really want your hair to grow long quickly, try indulging in stress-relieving activities. 

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